This site contains a downloadable thermal inertia map derived
from Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer observations
of the surface temperatures of Mars taken over the entire primary
mapping mission. See note below for proper referencing.
* 20 pixel per degree resolution
* derived range is 24 to 800 in SI units (J m-2 K-1 s-½), higher and lower
values are not computed
* includes data from orbits 1583-11254, from Mars Orbit Insertion (beginning
of the mapping mission) to 3 months beyond the end of the primary mapping mission
* uses only nighttime data with surface temperatures above 160 K
* binary file format
* inertia: 7200 x 3600 two-byte integer format (24 to 800, multiplier=1, offset=0)
ASCII header 7200 bytes long
created on a SUN Ultra 30 running Solaris for those concerned with byte
swapping mask: 7200 x 3600 byte format (1 = TES data, 0 = no data or
interpolated fill)
ASCII header 7200 bytes long
Example: If you are using IDL, you can read the thermal inertia file via
IDL> OPENR,1,'nmap2003.bin'
IDL> A = ASSOC(1,INTARR(7200,3600),7200)
IDL> MAP = A(0)
If you are running on a platform which is byte-swapped relative to Sun (e.g., WinXP):
All use of this map should carry the following reference:
Putzig, N. E., M. T. Mellon, K. A. Kretke, and R. E. Arvidson, Global thermal
inertia and surface properties of Mars from the MGS mapping mission, Icarus 173,
325-341, 2005.
Point of Contact:
Michael T. Mellon
LASP, Campus Box 392
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309-0392
tel: 303-492-1711
fax: 303-492-6946